Business Intelligence for Nonprofit Housing Developers

There is often an insight gap between financial and programmatic outcomes. Focus & Flow has always been focused on bridging this gap for clients. Starting in 2022, we applied new technology and systematized the process to create our subscription-based business intelligence program. Flowgistics automates business intelligence for affordable housing developers, creating a comprehensive view and a clear path to sustainability.

Flowgistics is a subscription service. During client onboarding, we define the projects for the upcoming period and the budget, and then bill at a monthly flat rate over 6 or 12 months. This smooths out the cost of the initial labor-intensive deep dive while giving you ongoing dynamic reporting. Data can be available in nearly real-time, and the flat rate saves allows for easy budgeting while offering greater insights. In addition, it allows Focus & Flow the freedom to advise as needed and help more nonprofits stay on track. 

 In the Flowgistics Program, our clients undergo a data analysis deep dive, producing a clear, trackable view of the state of the business. They then graduate into a data maintenance program. This allows our Business Intelligence clients to have updated, clear and concise financial data at their fingertips. Packages include consulting hours with the Focus & Flow consulting division on matters of business strategy, in addition to hours of Project Manager support. As your understanding of the program continues, you may wish to add new analysis tools to your model:

-Line of Business deep dive

-Development cash flow forecast

-Project feasibility models

-Asset and property management reporting